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Zero liquid discharge – powder coating



Powder coating


Installation of a zero liquid discharge solution for a metalworing and powder coating company. The project started in 2019 and was completed in 2020. The new ZLD water treatment system is treating the waste water proceeding from n°5 pre-treatment tunnels of powder coating lines. Waste water that is contaminated with oils, grease and phospho degreasing solution.

The ZLD treatment plant installed by SAITA foreseen a neutralization system with a batch reactor and an heat pump vacuum evaporator mod. EV400. The ZLD plant is recovering >90% of distilled water reused as rinse water for the powder coating chemical pre-treatment and reduces as less than 10% the liquid waste to be disposed.

Technical characteristics:
Daily capacity 9 tons/day
Power absorbed 70 kWh
Distilled water recovered >90%
Automated functioning H24

Phospho degreasing waste
Distilled water recovered < 200 us/cm

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