To improve the quality of the distilled water from an existing double-effect evaporator, a filtration system has been designed and installed, consisting of 3 treatment steps: cooling, ultrafiltration, and finishing with reverse osmosis membranes.
Through this treatment process, volatile substances (COD and ammonia) that were contaminating the distilled water have been removed, allowing for its reuse or discharge into the sewer system.
A preliminary testing campaign was conducted with pilot plants from Saitalab to validate theoretical data with field tests for the study and design of the system.
Technical characteristics:
Hourly flow rate: 2000 lt/h
Automatic temperature regulation at the inlet
Filtration with hollow fiber ultrafiltration membranes
Filtration with reverse osmosis membranes
Ammonia abatement
COD abatement and organic compounds
Analog control instrumentation
Remote control via ethernet – Industry 4.0